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Polar adventures

A reunion at the edge of the world…

A reunion at the edge of the world…

They say that travel is the best way to grow… and Tom would agree. Accustomed to travelling the world, the young man set off on a PONANT expedition that would hold many surprises for him.

Luc Jacquet

Luc Jacquet

A filmmaker at the intersection of images, science and emotions

8 reasons to spend Christmas or New Year in Antarctica

8 reasons to spend Christmas or New Year in Antarctica

When it comes to once-in-a-lifetime journeys, they don’t get much better than this. Picture this: a festive season spent sailing the infinite surreal landscapes of Antarctica, and swapping the crowds of people gift shopping for seals or penguins relaxing atop the ice. As if you needed any more convincing, here are our top reasons to plan for a once-in-a-lifetime Christmas or New Year celebratory polar expedition cruise to enjoy a special stress-free holiday packed full of outstanding memories.

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

In recent years, the North Pole has become a barometer of the global environment: so fragile and, paradoxically, such immense power. Everything here is raw, natural and in stark contrast: a pure, unsullied continent of ice resting on an inky black sea. And at the heart of this dialogue between land and sea, the wildlife, superlative in its untamed splendour. A tale of a singular and unique expedition.

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