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The Arctic

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

In recent years, the North Pole has become a barometer of the global environment: so fragile and, paradoxically, such immense power. Everything here is raw, natural and in stark contrast: a pure, unsullied continent of ice resting on an inky black sea. And at the heart of this dialogue between land and sea, the wildlife, superlative in its untamed splendour. A tale of a singular and unique expedition.

Zaria Forman

Zaria Forman

Fascinated by icebergs, the hyperrealist artist Zaria Forman uses her talent to raise awareness about the environment, with a focus on the melting glaciers.

Polar bears, as white as snow

Polar bears, as white as snow

Measuring between 1.8 and 3 metres and weighing 350 to 680 kilos, the polar bear‘s characteristic white colouring is owed to the translucent and hollow hairs of its fur which reflect the sunlight off of the sea ice.

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