Home > Polar wildlife

Polar wildlife

Luc Jacquet

Luc Jacquet

A filmmaker at the intersection of images, science and emotions

How to take successful wildlife photos

How to take successful wildlife photos

Whether you’re in the heart of the savannah, the depths of a tropical rainforest or the vast expanses of the Arctic circle, photographing the animals around you is never simple. Mother Nature is certainly amazing, but she is also wild, often shy and always unpredictable. But with a bit of common sense and technical know-how, here’s how best to capture the fascinating local wildlife for posterity…

Polar bears, as white as snow

Polar bears, as white as snow

Measuring between 1.8 and 3 metres and weighing 350 to 680 kilos, the polar bear‘s characteristic white colouring is owed to the translucent and hollow hairs of its fur which reflect the sunlight off of the sea ice.

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