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Terra incognita

A magical encounter at high latitude

A magical encounter at high latitude

On his first exploration of the North Pole with passengers with Le Commandant Charcot, one of our captains was able to share an intense experience with them: an encounter with a polar bear and her cubs.
A true gift from nature!

Journey to the ends of the Earth: our selection of remote destinations

Journey to the ends of the Earth: our selection of remote destinations

It goes without saying that you need to travel, and a long way at that… But, most importantly, you need to get off the beaten track. There is still a whole host of remote destinations that provide curious travellers with the chance to rediscover their inner adventurer. And there are so many desert islands all over the world that evoke the spirit of Robinson Crusoe thanks to their remote locations and protected wildernesses. Visiting these places at the ends of the Earth is not just a journey but an experience.

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

The Arctic, a ocean of ice, pristine and unsullied

In recent years, the North Pole has become a barometer of the global environment: so fragile and, paradoxically, such immense power. Everything here is raw, natural and in stark contrast: a pure, unsullied continent of ice resting on an inky black sea. And at the heart of this dialogue between land and sea, the wildlife, superlative in its untamed splendour. A tale of a singular and unique expedition.

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