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The Escama Foundation

The Escama Foundation

In the Bissagos, discover the Escama Foundation and the project to rebuild a school supported by the PONANT Foundation

The Persian Gulf: 1,001 landscapes

The Persian Gulf: 1,001 landscapes

Never-ending skyscrapers, luxury shopping centres and skiing resorts in the middle of the desert… The taste for excess in the biggest cities of the Persian Gulf needs no introduction. But few travellers know that they can visit this region differently, where magical moments off the beaten track in the heart of still-untouched natural settings, far from the thronging crowds, await. From Abu Dhabi to the Sultanate of Oman, explore these richly contrasting lands.

Zanzibar, a tiny African pearl off the coast of Tanzania

Zanzibar, a tiny African pearl off the coast of Tanzania

Like Ushuaia, Dakar or even Petropavlovsk, Zanzibar is one of those destinations that you can’t necessarily point to on a world map, but whose name is enough to spark the wildest of dreams. But what if you’re no longer content to just dream? Head for this gem of the Indian Ocean, located off the east African coast just a stone’s throw from the coast of Tanzania!

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